
Showing posts from January, 2011

Mankind - designed to run

When you look at mankind next to the animal kingdom - you don't think of man as a runner.  You think of a deer or the horse as creatures designed to run.  However this is particularly true when you are thinking short term running.  The Animal kingdom is full of fast running creatures.   But when it comes to long distance running - man is uniquely designed to handle such long distances.  In fact there is even a race in the U.K., called 'Man versus Hourse Marathon' which an event between humans and horses at a distance of 20 miles.  A race in 2004 was the first time a man won a race against a horse, and the reason was the distance.   Here are some reasons man can be said 'they are designed to run': Most animals cool down by panting - while humans sweat - which allows us to remain cool at speeds and distances would over heat animals.   Many animal can be struck with heat exhaustion in 6-10 m...

My Check-Up

City Hall Park (taken by me) One of my brothers suggested that I get a check up before doing the marathon race.  I guess he thinks I'm getting old.   So last week I had a check-up, and asked my doctor -  if there is any concern with me running this marathon.  He looked at the results of my Electrocardiography (a test where the electric activity of the heart is checked) and said that it looked good, he also looked at a stress test that he gave me a few years ago and indicated that he did not see a problem with me doing this race. Praise God - a clean bill of health!  Yeahhhhh!  Examine me, O LORD, and prove me; try my reins and my heart. (Psalm 26:2)

Half-Way There

This weekend, Lord willing,  I will be doing a 1/2 marathon run of 13.1 miles, this is exciting because I can say I'm halfway there!  So far (thank God) no black toe nails, or knee problem. Maybe I will make it. Normally my runs are boring -however last Saturday - I was running past a hospital and the police stopped me and asked me if my name was Mark.   I told him no my name is 'Brian'.  He asked me for ID, which I told him I did not have any - then hesitantly he rolled up his window and left.  Two minute later a voice yelled out from behind me;  'Hey Mark'!   I turned around.   It was another police officer, with his hand on his gun! - I yelled over to him my name is not Mark - but Brian.  Then he said that -  because I responded - that must mean I AM MARK.  Ugggh I couldn't believe this!   Just out for a run and I'm being confused with a criminal!   Anyway - I ex...

Good Form In Running

When you're a child you start running and there is no instructions as to how to run - good or bad form you don't care - you just do it.   However when it comes to running distance you need to work on your form or the feet, back and legs can hurt and make the difference if you make your running goals or not.   Here is a few points I've learnt over the years: Head: Runners (like me) have a tendency to run with their heads down as if they don't want to know how far they have to go.   It is important to fight this tendency and to have good running form, by lifting your head and running with your eyes straight ahead.  I find my running time is quite improved by doing this. Arms: It is important that you keep your arms close to your body, with relaxed hands and don't over swing your arms - (it uses up unnessary energy). Legs: Don't come down hard, flat footed - I use to run this way when I became tired, and in a long race your ...