Half-Way There
This weekend, Lord willing, I will be doing a 1/2 marathon run of 13.1 miles, this is exciting because I can say I'm halfway there! So far (thank God) no black toe nails, or knee problem. Maybe I will make it.
Normally my runs are boring -however last Saturday - I was running past a hospital and the police stopped me and asked me if my name was Mark. I told him no my name is 'Brian'. He asked me for ID, which I told him I did not have any - then hesitantly he rolled up his window and left. Two minute later a voice yelled out from behind me; 'Hey Mark'! I turned around. It was another police officer, with his hand on his gun! - I yelled over to him my name is not Mark - but Brian. Then he said that - because I responded - that must mean I AM MARK. Ugggh I couldn't believe this! Just out for a run and I'm being confused with a criminal! Anyway - I explained that the other officer already went through this with me - and with reluctance he too let me go. For the remander of the run, I felt like I was being followed (paranoid, maybe). Next time maybe I'll carry ID!
Lift up your eyes on high, and behold who hath created these things, that bringeth out their host by number: he calleth them all by names by the greatness of his might, for that he is strong in power; not one faileth (Isaiah 40:26)
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