Mankind - designed to run
When you look at mankind next to the animal kingdom - you don't think of man as a runner. You think of a deer or the horse as creatures designed to run. However this is particularly true when you are thinking short term running. The Animal kingdom is full of fast running creatures. But when it comes to long distance running - man is uniquely designed to handle such long distances. In fact there is even a race in the U.K., called 'Man versus Hourse Marathon' which an event between humans and horses at a distance of 20 miles. A race in 2004 was the first time a man won a race against a horse, and the reason was the distance.
Here are some reasons man can be said 'they are designed to run':
- Most animals cool down by panting - while humans sweat - which allows us to remain cool at speeds and distances would over heat animals. Many animal can be struck with heat exhaustion in 6-10 miles - but a man can go well beyond this.
- The short toes of a human foot allows for better running, compared to long toed animals.
- Our ligament and tendons which are spring like which are needful for running.
- Our muscles can store around 20 miles of glycogen (long-term energy storage).
- The narrowness of our waist and our balance, all needful for good running.
We are not the rabbit - but more like the tortoise which keep going and going.
I remember in school books illustrations where early man would drive animals off cliffs. This would be hardly necessary. Our ability to run long distance would allow us to capture many animals without much of a battle, without a cliff or advanced weapons. We would just chase them until heat exhaustion would strike - and then any kill would be of great ease.
So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. (Genesis 1:27)
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