
Showing posts from February, 2011

Run In The Sun

I mention in one of my last blogs about how running gets you outside and helps you get your needed Vitamin D.  Dr. John Whitcomb, Aurora Sinai Medical Center stated 'I believe [vitamin D] is the number one public health advance in medicine in the last twenty years.'   People throughout the past generations made their livings outside on farms and on boats getting ample doses of Sun light (Unless you live in a region above latitude 40, between Sept-May, at this latitude the sun can't trigger the creation of Vitamin D).   Sadly, today the large majority of the people today don't get enough of Vitamin D and don't know it.  A deficiency causes include; heart disease, chronic pain, Fibromyalgia, hypertension, arthritis, obesity, cancer, MS and other autoimmune diseases.  While men can experance problems with Vitamin D deficiency - woman are more prone with problems.  Also mood related problem of depression, PMS mood change...

Running away from Depression and Anxiety

When I run - I normally feel this high on my second mile of my run.  A unstoppable smile comes to my face and I'm just so enjoying being outside, hitting the pavement, and being alive.  I want to throw up my hands as I run as I feel the wind in my face.   When I have alot of stress in my life - I go to God and seek a calm mind and heart - knowing that He is sovereign and cares for His children.  However some stress remains, but is often melted away when I go running.  One place I love to run in near the water - when the sun is out and the air is cool.   Don't get much better then that.  After my fourth mile - my mind gets less active and almost goes into a meditation of calm, which continues to the end of the run.  When I am done running, I am tired - but I am also very relaxed and ready for what ever life throws at me.  This morning, I was talking to my wife about the benefits of running an...